Flight attendants have a tough, TOUGH job. Their most important reason for being there is to tell us what to do and to keep us safe in the event of …
customer service
Airline Mistakenly Thought Pax Didn’t Board Flight, So Canceled Return Ticket
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegHello, MAJOR safety concern and PR nightmare! If you fly on a regular basis, you probably know that each commercial flight has a manifest, or a list, of its passengers …
No one likes pushy people, but no one likes it when status affects how someone treats others either. So when an entitled woman and a United 1K member have a …
Marriott Needed Her Room & Moved All Her Stuff. Her Compensation Was…
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegImagine being checked into your hotel for, I don’t know, say a business trip. You’re all unpacked and are in a meeting when you notice you have a voice mail …
We’ve written about complaint letters in the past: The complaining business class passenger who got what was coming to him The hotel owner who reamed a guest for their complaint …
When you hear stories about gate agents, let’s face it; they’re usually not good ones. They’re usually more along the lines of gate agents telling passengers their carry-on bag is …
Aftermath of Hotel Guests Who Took Over Front Desk After Staff Bailed
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThe aftermath of the story about three friends who took over the front desk of a Nashville, TN hotel last year, after the staff essentially vanished, was very good news! …
Some people have no idea of what a flight attendant’s job entails. You can sometimes tell when they don’t, because of the things some passengers ask flight attendants to do …
Hotel Fail Trifecta – Hotel’s 3 Screw Ups on The Same Reservation
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you can say one thing about my husband Joe and me, it’s that we don’t sweat the small stuff. We know that stuff happens and if a hotel screws …
American Airlines Caused This Problem, But Their Fix Is Just As Bad
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegOver the past year or two, American Airlines really seems to be going downhill. Their IT glitches are ridiculous Trying to redeem one of their flight vouchers is an effort …