If a location is a no-fly zone (a.k.a. no-flight zone [NFZ] or air exclusion zone [AEZ]), then, of course, no one will fly over it (unless, for some reason, air …
While airline after airline has been retiring their supplies of Boeing 747 jumbo jets over the past few years, it reminds me of the time in aviation history when a …
Food & Beverage
Snickers’ New Commercial Mocks Annoying Airline Passengers
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you’re of a certain age, you probably remember one of Snickers candy bar’s most popular jingles: Snickers satisfies you! Well, I’ll tell ya – that commercial WORKED. Because until …
The first time I ever went on a plane was February, 1979 and I’m pretty sure the flight (Eastern Airlines, then “The Official Airline of Walt Disney World” – it …
Weekly Recap
Plane Amenity Design FAIL, Why Planes Fly at 35,000 Feet, The Popular Luggage Accessory You Shouldn’t Bring to Airports
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegHi, travel friends and happy Saturday! Here’s a recap of what’s gone on at YMMV in the past few weeks. Some of our recent most-read posts have been: Plane amenity …
Why Planes Used to Have Black Nose Cones And Why They Don’t Anymore
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegOver the years, we’ve gone over a lot of reasons why certain things on planes are the way they are. These are some of them: Why some planes’ emergency exit …
If you’re a travel geek (or even if you aren’t), I’m sure you’ve heard of the mile high club. Wikipedia describes it as, “…is slang for the group of people …
When it comes to sitting in the economy section of a plane, the exit row seats are generally the Holy Grail for some passengers. You can tell they are because …
You see headlines about it every couple of months: “Man tries to open plane door in mid-air after suffering a panic attack” “Suicidal Delta passenger tries to open plane door …
Fascinating: Ever See A Plane’s Evacuation Slide Being Deployed?
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf you fly a lot, chances are you’ve seen a lot of what happens on planes. You’ve probably learned quite a few things along the way, too. So maybe you …