Some people are just awful. Back in 2020, there were a few stories about people forging negative COVID tests (here’s one of them). I’ve already heard several stories about fake…
swab test
Japan Asks China To Stop Doing Anal Swabs On Japanese Visitors
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegY’know, when Joe and I started Your Mileage May Vary, I honestly didn’t think I would ever use the words “anal swab” in a travel blog post. And yet here,…
While The US Ponders COVID Tests For Domestic Flights, China Is Using Anal Swab Testing
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIn recent days, multiple media outlets have reported that the U.S. is considering the possibility of requiring COVID testing before domestic flights. “These are conversations that are ongoing,” CDC Director…
The state of Hawaii was the most conservative states in the country when it came to allowing people to return to the islands after they shut down due to COVID-19.…
People Are Confused About Hawaii’s Testing Requirements And Can You Blame Them?
by joehegby joehegSince last Thursday, over 31,000 trans-Pacific passengers have landed in Hawaii. That’s significant since that’s the date when Hawaii ended a mandatory 14-day quarantine for passengers who have gotten a…
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Getting Past TSA More Easily, Delta/American Joining Forces, Timeshares Aren’t So Bad, & More!
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWoop woop, it’s the weekend! Happy Saturday, everyone! Here’s a quick recap of the posts we wrote this week: This week Joe wrote about: His review of an incredible Italian…