Airline co-brand credit cards are a fantastic way to level up your travel game. Imagine having access to some of the same perks as the most frequent flyers with status.…
United Airlines
Airlines are constantly trying to differentiate themselves from the competition. One way they try to distinguish their offerings is by “branding” each service category with a name specific to the…
When people have travel problems, they tend to vent on social media, often in real time. We have plenty of friends who travel so when I see a story so…
Going as far back as at least 2011, 24/7 Wall Street, a financial news and commentary site, has released an annual list of the most hated companies in America. Your…
A few years before the turn of the century, my aunt, who lived in California at the time, passed away after her third bout with a primary cancer. My mom,…
The advances in cell phone technology have certainly changed a lot about how we fly. We can make our reservations, pay for our flights, show our boarding passes, and get…
Equipment swaps happen all the time and if you travel enough you’ll encounter one. Sometimes it’s a bad one, like when you planned a flight specifically to sit in an…
Back in the old days (pre-2020), you were stuck with the miles paid once you booked an award ticket. There were some exceptions if you had premium status, but for…
Eight months ago, I started planning our visit to Southeast Asia. The trip was centered around a package tour of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia with Adventures by Disney. All of…
I don’t choose flights based on the type of seat. Even on the longest US domestic flights, I can deal with sitting in Economy Class. I had no troubles on…