I’ve been writing hotel reviews for the places where we’ve stayed since we started our website in February, 2017. My reviews include the cost of the room, the check-in process, …
Disney, Universal & Other Theme Parks
Family Bought $10K in Disney Vacation Gift Cards; Learned They’re No Good at Disney Parks
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegGoing on a Disney vacation is EXPENSIVE. As in, “just getting into the park” can be well over $100 per person per day. So people look for discounts as much …
When planning a trip, you obsess endlessly about saving every single penny. You make sure that you get the best deal on airfare, either by paying cash or using your …
I’ve often heard the refrain “It’s so touristy there” when talking about a location. It’s usually said by someone who insists that the only way to travel is to “live …
It’s amazing, yet really not, how different groups of people travel, well, differently. Of course, one would think people who have more money to spend will travel differently from those …
Tips and Tricks
Blisters On Vacation: Should You Pop Or Not & How To Avoid Getting Them
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIf there’s one thing that can put a damper on a vacation that requires a lot of walking, it’s getting one or more blisters on your feet. Blisters HURT. Sometimes …
The “How To Get 46 Days Off In 2023” Hack Has Its Shortcomings
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen it comes to Paid Time Off (PTO), workers in the United States generally get the short end of the stick. In fact, whereas workers in nearly every other country …
Couple Married & Divorced 4 Times In 5 Weeks To Get More Vacation Time
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen you compare how much vacation time people around the world get, those in the United States are often considered to get the short end of the stick. And considering …
10 Things You Do On Vacation That You Probably Don’t Do Any Other Time
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen you’re on vacation, it’s that special time when life is just…different. Some of the rules don’t apply. Well, for some people they still might ;-). But for the most …
Roadside Attraction
Road Tripping? Here’s How To Learn What’s To See Along The Way
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegA while back, I wrote about all the ways you could find out what’s at the next exit when you’re doing a road trip – rest stops, bathrooms, hotels, campgrounds, …