Pierce Brosnan in Hot Water After Rookie Tourist Mistake

by SharonKurheg

I don’t know about you, but I find it kind of soothing to know that celebrities really ARE the same as you and me.

So yep, celebrities can be treated like crap at airports, just like anybody else.

Of course, sometimes it’s the celebs’ response to a situation at a hotel or airport that makes them seem like the rest of us.

So with the solid reality that famous people can do the same rights and wrongs as the rest of us, is it really THAT surprising that Pierce Brosnan, of James Bond fame (or Remington Steele, if you’re on the older side) recently pulled a 100% rookie move and was recently accused of trespassing in a Yellowstone National Park thermal area.

Yep. The Associated Press recently reported that Brosnan, age 70 (you’d think he’d KNOW better at that age, no?), was caught stepping out of bounds in the northern part of Yellowstone, near the Montana-Wyoming line on November 1st. He was therefore issued two federal citations late last week, and he’s required to appear in court.

The unfortunate event happened at Mammoth Terraces, a scenic spot of mineral-encrusted hot springs bubbling from a hillside. The path is well marked and safety signs are all over Yellowstone National Park, warning visitors to not veer off the trails, both for their own safety, and to preserve the park.

Unfortunately, Brosnan didn’t heed the signs. Even more unfortunately, the photo of him not heeding the signs made it onto the TouronsOfYellowstone Instagram (“Tourons” = a mashup of tourists and morons, of course):

And THAT, in turn, helped land him a mention in celeb rag mag TMZ.

Many said the person in that photo matches up exactly to the photo Brosnan himself posted on his Insta account around the same time…which, you must admit, it very much does.

a man sitting in a chair outsideAnyway, Brosnan is due to appear in court on January 23rd.

Feature Image (cropped): sebaso / flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

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This post first appeared on Your Mileage May Vary


David January 1, 2024 - 2:16 pm

Is it a matter of making a mistake or, rather, feeling “entitled“ because of your fame (or because you just don’t think that the rules that apply to everyone else don’t, for some reason, apply to you)?

SharonKurheg January 1, 2024 - 3:37 pm

No idea; no one asked him (atleast that I could find). But if it’s the latter, that’s certainly a mistake, as well, no?


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