The U.S. Cities With the Most Bedbugs, According to Orkin (2024)

by SharonKurheg

Bedbugs, Yuck. They can be found just about anywhere. Taxis. Buses. Trains. Planes. Hotels. Your house (here’s how to help avoid bringing them from your hotel to your home). And don’t forget last year, when that major airport had a bedbug infestation, too.

It’s safe to say that every large city has seen its share of bedbugs. And if there’s one company that knows it, it’s Orkin. The pest management company has been around since 1901, and they’ve been handling their customers’ bedbug complaints for decades.

a poster of bed bugSince at least 2014, Orkin has released an annual list of the 50 cities in the U.S. that have the most bedbugs. Their list is based on data from the metro areas where Orkin has performed the most bed bug treatments in the most recent year. This year’s list represents their treatments from Dec. 1, 2022 through Nov. 30, 2023.

There are a lot of repeat cities this year. From Orkin:

The Windy City is taking up residence as one of the worst cities for bed bugs taking the #1 spot on Orkin’s Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List for the fourth year in a row. Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia hold onto the top three spots, ranking first, second and third, respectively for cities with most bed bugs. Greensboro, N.C. saw the largest jump this year, moving up twenty-fife spots into the Top Twenty, with Milwaukee (#25) moving up the list by fifteen and Tampa (#31) moving up by ten.

It’s noted that Las Vegas, Minneapolis and Oklahoma City are new to the list this year. Ummmm…welcome? Here’s the whole list. Read ’em and weep:

  1. Chicago

  2. New York

  3. Philadelphia

  4. Cleveland-Akron, OH

  5. Los Angeles

  6. Detroit

  7. Washington, D.C. (+2)

  8. Indianapolis (-1)

  9. Charlotte (+5)

  10. Champaign, IL (+1)

  11. Columbus, OH (-1)

  12. Cincinnati (+1)

  13. Atlanta (+3)

  14. Grand Rapids, MI (-2)

  15. Denver

  16. Baltimore (-8)

  17. Richmond, VA (+9)

  18. Greensboro, N.C. (+25)

  19. St. Louis (+6)

  20. Youngstown (+7)

  21. Pittsburgh (-3)

  22. Dallas-Ft. Worth (-5)

  23. Flint, MI (-2)

  24. Raleigh-Durham (-4)

  25. Milwaukee (+15)

  26. Charleston, W.V. (-7)

  27. Greenville, SC (-3)

  28. Norfolk, VA (-5)

  29. Davenport (+8)

  30. Nashville (+3)

  31. Tampa (+10)

  32. Toledo (+6)

  33. Dayton, OH (+1)

  34. Knoxville (-4)

  35. Las Vegas (new to list)

  36. Omaha, NE (-4)

  37. South Bend, IN (-9)

  38. Houston (+6)

  39. Cedar Rapids, IA (-8)

  40. Ft. Wayne, IN (-5)

  41. San Francisco (-19)

  42. Buffalo, NY (-13)

  43. Harrisburg (-7)

  44. Seattle (-5)

  45. Miami

  46. Orlando (+1)

  47. Minneapolis (new to list)

  48. Oklahoma City (new to list)

  49. Louisville, KY

  50. Lexington, KY (-4)

Orkin also gave their annual proactive tips for homeowners and travelers, to prevent bedbugs. We listed them at the bottom of this piece.

Click here for more information about Orkin’s 2024 list.

All photos PC: Orkin

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