There are several things you may hear on, or about a flight that MAAAAAAY not be 100% the truth… “Turn off all large electronics or it may interfere with the …
Boy, 9, Ran Away From Home, Sneaked Onto Plane, Flew Across Country
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegWhen I was 5 or 6 years old, family lore says I announced I was running away from home. No one, least of all me (I don’t even remember the …
I’m not sure how often any of you have ever Googled the words SKY and PENIS at the same time (not that I ever had until now but hey, I …
Y’all, I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m more of a dog person. Always have been. It could be because I’m allergic to cats, I dunno. But after …
Woman’s Text Message On Plane, “We have Covid…shhh,” Sparks Fury
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegYou’re on the plane and getting your bearings. You see that the woman in front of you is older. Blonde. Well manicured nails. She’s texting on her phone. The screen …
What To Do (And Not Do) If There’s An Unruly Passenger On Your Flight
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurheg2021 was a banner year for problems on flights. According to the FAA, there were nearly 6,000 cases of unruly airline passengers. And that’s just the events that were reported! …
Why You Should Tell Flight Attendant Of Dropped Phone In Plane Seat
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIn 2013, the FAA released new guidelines that allowed the use of portable electronic devices during all stages of flight. Larger electronics, like laptop computers, still need to be put …
Y’all, I’ve heard about a lot of crazy things that have happened on flights: The man who disguised himself as his wife to sneak onto the plane The couple who …
Kanye West Flew Delta Economy Last Week (He Had A Really Bad Seat, Too)
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegIt’s been said that if you ever get to meet your idol, you should consider yourself very lucky. I was lucky enough to meet all 4 of my idols (I …
Air Rage: Why They Don’t They Put More Air Marshals In The Air
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegEvery day you read another story about someone who’s had a hissy fit on a plane. The ones who don’t want to wear a mask. The ones who get into …