For most people, going to an airport is not an enjoyable experience. You have to wait in multiple queues. You’re stuck in crowds. And, of course, the prices to buy …
TSA Precheck
TSA PreCheck Adds 4 Airlines to its Program & (Finally, Officially) Drops One
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegThe Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced last week that it has added 4 more airlines to its roster of airlines participating in its TSA PreCheck program: Added Fiji Airways The …
Another Reason PreCheck Lines Are Getting Longer: Foreign Visitors
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegJoe and I have had Global Entry for several years now; it simply makes life easier when we’re traveling overseas because we don’t have to stand in as many queues. …
Does Your PreCheck Get Extended With Global Entry’s Grace Period?
by SharonKurhegby SharonKurhegGlobal Entry is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States. Members enter the United States …
Remember that time when the State Department told us the wait time for passports was suddenly 2 months shorter, but the wait really hadn’t changed? Welp, it looks like the …
Those who travel a lot will tell you that THE best way to travel through airports is to have a TSA PreCheck membership – it can save you a whole …
The TSA doesn’t make it a secret that it wants Americans (as well as people from a handful of other countries) to join TSA PreCheck. And no wonder – since …
If you don’t travel often, your familiarity with Trusted Traveler programs may be limited to signs you’ve seen at the airport. You may be curious about TSA Precheck and why …
Credit Cards
The Credit Cards That Will Pay For Your Global Entry Or TSA PreCheck Application Fee (Updated December 2024)
by joehegby joehegGlobal Entry is a program of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection service that allows pre-approved, low-risk travelers to receive expedited clearance upon arrival into the United States. In my opinion, …
We’ve recently been experiencing more “random” checks while going through the TSA security checkpoint. This is nothing new, as CLEAR and the TSA select people for checks even if they …